Intellectual outputs

/ Intellectual outputs

IO 1: Money & Life Skills Concept & Guidelines

The Money & Life Skills Guidelines will provide the didactical background for the e-learning materials and explain the advantages of the project’s approach in comparison to conventional financial literacy initiatives which have a theoretical approach (budgeting, savings, credit, stock market participation etc.).

They will also provide example curricula settings in which ways the materials can be applied in blended learning situations.

IO 2: Money & Life Skills Training Modules

The core contents of Money & Life Skills will consist of various modules. Most of them have been identified at our genuine needs analysis during the preparation of this application. Unlike all other financial literacy initiatives which have a theoretical approach (budgeting, savings, credit, etc.) our contents will refer to real-life situations and the training subjects will be:

  • the first car
  • getting married
  • renting a flat
  • buying a house
  • expecting a baby
  • getting divorced
  • losing the job
  • an accident happened
  • making use of consumer rights

IO 3: Money & Life Skills e-Learning Service and Course Platform

The e-Learning Service will be used as a virtual learning environment where users will be able to find the online modules, participate in learning activities, and communicate with other users, as it supports electronic management, storage and presentation of materials, and multilingual forums for networking, exchange of experience and good practice, with links to real-time translation that breaks down the language barrier between users from different countries.

The e-Learning Service will transform and incorporate the contents of the Money & Life Skills Modules and provide access to the training subjects.

The project will adapt selected online materials from the e-training courses in a pedagogically sound way into integrated apps for smartphones.

IO 4: Money & Life Skills Mobile Applications

Contents from the Money & Life Skills e-Training material that are suitable for presentation in applications for smartphones, plus links to the platform’s multilingual forum and communication tools, will be selected in a pedagogically sound way and developed into integrated native apps for delivering these contents via smartphones and mobile devices.

In this way, we support mobility: learners will have access to their learning material where ever and whenever they need.

All intellectual outputs that were developed under the project Money & Life Skills – Financial Capability Made Easy are available on the e-platform: