Stowarzyszenie “EBI Association”, Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Poland (Applicant)
EBI Association is a non-profit organization functioning from 2016. It works for the development of Education, Business and Innovation. Knowing how important it is to combine these three pillars in the creation of a modern knowledge-based society, we try to implement projects, which, on the synergy principles, focus on a development of science, entrepreneurship and allow implementation of interesting innovations in the region.
The Association builds its own cooperation network i.a. through contacts with local, regional, and international institutions and organizations.
E-mail: biuro@ebi.org.pl
Website: www.ebi.org.pl

Asociación andaluza de apoyo a la infancia - ALDAIMA
ALDAIMA was created in 1998. Since then we have been working for the protection and support of vulnerable children and adolescents.
Since 1999 ALDAIMA has worked to promote family foster care in the Province of Granada and to offer children in need a family environment where to grow up, as an alternative to institutional foster care centres. We offer specialised therapeutic support to children who have experienced crisis situations or family violence. We help these children to overcome the traumatic circumstances they have lived through. We work to favour integration and prevent the appearance of violent behaviour in adolescents and young people at risk.
E-mail: asociacion@aldaima.org
Website: www.aldaima.org

Ente Bilaterale Veneto
Ente Bilaterale Veneto FVG is non-profit organization that was constituted in 1996 on a regional level, by Confesercenti, which is a trade association of SMEs in the sector of commerce, tourism and services, and by the three most representative Italian Trade Union, Filcams-Cgil, Fisascat-Cisl, and UilTucs-Uil.
Its constitution is defined in the National Labour Contract Agreement and it aims at improving life and working conditions of the workers and the companies of commerce and tourism.
Its mission is carried out through economic support either to the workers or the companies on issues related to family, health, study, training, welfare, and innovation tools.
In addition to the main goals, Equality Centre carries out many tasks that are often brought to light thanks to visitors of the Equality Centre seeking help, whether it be speaking on legal issues or lobbying for immigrants and women.
E-mail: segreteria@ebvenetofvg.it
Website: www.ebvenetofvg.it
Greek Academic Network - GUnet
The non-profit civil company called "Greek Academic Network" (GUnet) was founded in September 12th 2000. GUnet has its central office in Athens and its members are all the Universities and Higher Technological Education Institutes (TEI) in Greece (20 Universities and 16 TEI).
The mission of the company is to promote, facilitate and coordinate the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), services and applications in the Greek academic community for supporting the Greek higher education institutes in their mission and in general, research and education in Greece.
GUnet provides e-learning services to its members and its project partners. It also supports the National Search Portal for OpenCourses and provides guidelines on how to create open courses.
Since 2012, GUnet coordinates the development of OpenCourseWare and open educational resources by its members at the national level.
E-mail: info@gunet.gr
Website: www.gunet.gr

INTEGRA INSTITUT, Institut za razvoj clovekovih potencialov
INTEGRA’s mission and vision are based on the development of human potentials whereby the accent is on the provision of services in the field of humanistic sciences for different target and age groups. As public officers for the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, our professionals working at the Institute perform special counselling and experts’ work in the field of occupational rehabilitation in close cooperation with the Employment Service of Slovenia and the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of the Republic of Slovenia.
Furthermore, the central activities of the Institute are based on educational and advisory services and the development and the implementation of social innovations, as well as on the research in the field of human resources.
E-mail: office@eu-integra.eu
Website: www.eu-integra.eu

QUALED občianske združenie pre kvalifikáciu a vzdelávanie
QUALED is a non-profit organization working in the field of adult education. Our team focuses in particular on the development, adaptation and innovation of creative and innovative educational products, methods and seminars for adults. Since 2008, QUALED has been involved as didactic expert in many educational projects delivering didactic and methodological expertise in the form of pedagogical counselling, couching, presentations and seminars.
QUALED has been actively involved in development of innovative training tools in both vocational and adult education. During the long term cooperation with various educational organisations covering different areas of vocational training, the didactic team of QUALED has proven the ability to influence diverse areas of education. Besides that, QUALED has co-developed training materials targeting personal competences as well as marketing and entrepreneurship.
E-mail: office@qualed.net
Website: www.qualed.net

Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich
Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich - Science Initiative Lower Austria (WIN) was founded 1990 as a non-profit association for interdiciplinary, research, consulting and education. Its main activities have been in the field of adult education and labour market related research.
Since 1991 WIN has become active in European projects, especially in managing and coordinating scientific cooperation in European research and education programmes. Since 2008, WIN has been acting as operative partner or coordinator in European transnational projects.
We feel obliged to exploit the vast variety of educational outcomes from our participation in European projects, and to transfer them into our daily activities. To this end, WIN has established an adult education programme that covers the most interesting areas. Courses and seminars take place in our seminar facilities in central Vienna.
E-mail: office@wissenschaftsinitiative.at
Website: www.wissenschaftsinitiative.at